I. What is an Synonym?
The term synonymous (sin–uh-nim) can be defined as a term that has the same or close to the similar meaning to other words. If words or phrases share the identical meaning, we can say that they are a synonym of one another. The term “synonym” comes from an amalgamation of Ancient Greek syn, meaning with, and the word onoma which means “name.” They are a common and necessary part of the language are used almost in silence. They are found in all the parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, verbs and adjectival terms, and so on. In addition the importance of synonyms is that there’s an entire reference book dedicated to them. It’s called Thesaurus. It’s a dictionary of synonyms!
II. Examples of Synonyms
Below are some possible synonyms for phrases you are likely to use on a daily basis:
The worst: awful, horrible terrible, horrible
Good: fine, excellent, great
Hot: fiery, burning hot, boiling
Cold: cold frozen, frosty
Simple: Easy, simple and straightforward
Difficult: hard, demanding and tough
Big: massive, huge gigantic
Small: tiny, little, mini
Then, go through the following three sentences:
The little one was eating an ice cream cone, which caused him a headache.
The child was quickly eating a frozen Ice Cream cone that gave him an unsettling headache.
The kid was eating the frozen cone of ice cream. It caused him to have a horrible headache.
As you can observe the three sentences above are similar to each other however, Sentences 2 and 3 paint an even more vivid picture since they make use of synonyms for certain of the words that are dull that are used in Sentence 1. Words such as “rapidly,” “gobbling,” “awful,” and “terrible” are far superior to “quickly,” “eating,” and “bad”–they have the similar meanings to Sentence 1, but stronger implications.
III. Types of Synonyms
Synonyms are a part of speech. Here are a few examples of:
Instruct, teach, or educate
Search, seek, or look for
Teacher, instructor, educator
Assessment, test, and test
Smart, intelligent, clever
Insane, stupid, slow
Really, truly, extraordinarily
Silently, quietly, without sound
IV. The importance of Synonyms
Because word selection is the most important thing in the language (probably the most crucial aspect! ) The importance of synonyms is awe-inspiring. Synonyms can make language more engaging as well as more pertinent. They play a significant importance in the selection of words for poetry and prose. In reality, one could say that poetry wouldn’t exist without synonyms. One of the main reasons why we use their use is because they are descriptive artistic and expressive. poetry is based on these three elements. Imagine how writing or reading might be like if it was just one word to describe everything! The language would be dull, and there would be no room for innovation.
The way that words are selected and utilized is what often is the most important thing about a work of literature Thus, synonyms enable authors to develop their own distinct styles and voices in the creation of their work. Another reason to use synonyms is that they often have the same meanings, yet have different meanings (a term’s implicit meaning). For instance, you can say “the soup’s scent was in the air” which sounds delicious, however “the soup’s smell was present in the air” creates a horrible sound. Therefore, the writer chooses the word by its positive, negative or neutral meaning. This allows writers to communicate what they mean and also how they intend to use it.
V. Synonyms and Examples in Literature
Example 1
Like I said, poetry would not be able to exist without the use of synonyms. The poetry “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” William Wordsworth describes a walk in the afternoon which was especially special for the poet. In the following selection, he makes use of synonyms to help readers visualize the scene the poet saw:
I wandered alone in I was surrounded by clouds
The floats in the high o’er hills and vales
Then I saw a huge crowd
A host, of golden daffodils;
The lake is right beside it, and beneath the trees
Dancing and fluttering with the wind.
In this case, Wordsworth uses the synonyms “crowd” and “host” to convey the fact that he saw a significant amount of daffodils. This makes them more beautiful. This is a method he’s employing to highlight the magnificence that he experienced. Through the use of two words that have the identical meaning, he’s in a position to create a greater picture using his words.
Example 2.
Synonyms are essential in descriptive, creative writing since authors select specific words that fit the style of their writing and to convey the tone they want. For instance, in the verse “The Eagle”” Lord Tennyson employs synonyms for everyday phrases to make this intricate image:
He holds the crag in uncooperative hands.
In isolated lands
Ring’d by the world of azure and he is.
The sea that is wrinkled beneath him swells;
He gazes through his walls of mountain.
He is like a thunderbolt and can be thrown.
Tennyson’s descriptive language paints an image of the viewer. If you take out the synonyms he employs the poem would appear less appealing. For instance, he employs “azure” rather than “blue” to provide a clearer picture of the hue of the sky. He also uses “crag” is more rough in comparison to “cliff.” A synonym can can also give the poem more meaning For instance he makes use of “lonely” as opposed to “isolated”–both words have identical meanings, however “lonely” typically refers to the human experience, while “isolated” typically refers to the location. As you can observe, Tennyson carefully chose his words with care.
VI. Examples of Synonyms used in Pop Culture
Example 1
One of the most popular methods used in advertising the present day is to suggest that the brand’s product is akin to that product. For instance, we can declare that bleach’s name is synonymous to Clorox Coca-Cola is synonymous with Coca-Cola or that Scotch tape is associated to adhesive tape. Foster’s beer makes use of this kind of advertisement in their campaign known as “How to Speak Australia,” like in the following commercial
Fosters How do I Speak Australian | Wireless
Foster’s principal slogan can be described as “Foster’s: Australian for Beer.” Foster’s is “teaching” their audience to understand that, in Australian the language “Foster’s” as well as “beer” are the same words. The joke is “Australian” is actually English and already has a term for beer. The Foster’s method of advertising is to inform people that, in Australia there are two words “beer” or “Foster’s” are synonymous terms which can be used interchangeably.
VII. Related Terms
An antonym is a term or phrase’s reverse meaning, as opposed to an synonym.
VIII. Conclusion
In the end they are an essential component in the English languages that you simply could not do without, whether in writing or in speaking. Synonyms are the most effective kind of descriptive tool available which makes them an essential component of poetry and prose alike. Synonyms give authors freedom of selection and let authors pick words with the proper connotation that fits their style and fulfill their goal.