Are you aware of the distinction between hydrating and nurturing the skin? Although they appear to be similar however, there are many who don’t know what the distinction is between the two terms. This article to let you know the various needs that your skin has at any time and at every age. The most important thing to consider when choosing an effective skin care routine is knowing the needs of your skin.
What does the word “hydration” mean?
Hydration refers to restoring the optimal level of skin water. It’s the principle of an age-related treatment because water is something that the skin constantly needs.
The skin absorbs water mainly through the body. The body is responsible for providing our cells with an ongoing drink. However, the epidermis , the outermost layer of our skin also consists of several levels of cell. The distribution of water is from the outermost layer or the basal layer (where the stem cells reside) to the higher layers. The upper layers don’t get the same amount of water as the layers which are lower because they’re formed from dead cells. The mantle of hydrolipids protects and water the cells that are the most superficial and is the one that provides the skin with the water it needs via the pores. The mantle must be comprised of 50 percent water and 50% sebum.
If there is a lack of water in the mantle’s hydrolipidic it will show oily skin. This is the reason the creams developed to treat this kind of skin are extremely fluid. If your skin appears dry, it’s due to the absence of sebum within the mantle. It’s the reason we should add more lipids to the treatment options for this kind of skin.
What is the meaning of nutrition?
Nutrition is the process of feeding the skin, which is, it regenerates the epidermis’ cells in addition to strengthening your natural layer of lipids, which helps to prevent dryness and dehydration. Nutritive creams are more concentrated in amount in active components than moisturizing creams which means they provide more benefits to the skin.
As we age older, the more nutrients the skin cells require. This is due to the fact that as you get older, you gradually stop producing new cells, which means we require more assistance to function.
What treatment should I seek? Or, do I need to hydrate?
The older we age older, the more nutrition or food our skin requires. There isn’t any set time to begin using nutritional creams, beginning in the 30s and onwards it is recommended to use creams that contain a high amount of nutrients in order to combat wrinkles and signs of aging. wrinkles, and a the loss of elasticity.
The best way to go about it is to combine the hydrating and nourishing skincare skin care creams. Nutritive creams are best used in the evening to aid the process of renewal of cells. Creams that hydrate should be applied throughout the day to supply the skin with the water it needs to guard against free radicals, and also to stop premature aging.